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7 Miraculous Yoga Poses For Better Posture

By Ned Taylor

June 28, 2019

How many times you have been pointed out for your slouchy posture?

Thanks to our modern day lifestyle, with long sitting hours and low physical activities. Most of us have to deal with bad posture, which by the way is the instigating point for various health issues like; back pains, digestion issues, cardiac problems, and spinal issues.

With the couch potato lifestyle, we have become accustomed to, it’s quite rational to say that sitting is the next bad thing to our health after smoking.

Because most of the issues pertaining to back pain and spinal curve are almost exclusively influenced by the long sitting hour. So, next time around when you end up with hunchback remember, there’s something you need to change about your posture…

So what’s a correct posture?

A correct posture is when you are able to keep your back absolutely straight. Think like soldiers, straight back, chest blown out, stomach in, chin facing upward and shoulders relaxed. To put it simply, a correct posture is when you look at your best.

How can yoga help for better posture?

To achieve the perfect body posture and get relieve from pains and other body shaming remarks, you need to stay aware of your body. And yoga is all about reclaiming control of your mind and body. Once you started practicing yoga on a daily basis, you will gain more insight into your body strengths and be able to correct your stance.

The gradual stretching and strengthening of your body for yoga poses with help straighten your spine, while realigning your shoulders, blows chest out and toning your tummy in.

While the changes might not get started from the very first day, you will gradually achieve the benefits of yoga as you gain more control of your body.

Once you become comfortable with yoga poses, you will automatically achieve a better body posture.

7 Miraculous Yoga Poses For Better Posture

Yoga helps you to regain your self-esteem:

Ok, now let’s see some great yoga poses for higher hamstring flexibility:

While good postures help you get rid of chronic back pains, it also helps you look slimmer and taller.

Thus, by correcting your posture, yoga doesn’t just help you get relieved from inflammation and back pain but also help you reclaim your lost self-esteem with a strong and appealing physique.

Here’re some yoga poses for better postures you can start with:

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You can check out our YOGA ASSESSMENT GUIDE™ by clicking here!

Best Yoga Poses For Better Posture

01. Down Dog Pose.

Benefits: Provide a great stretch to the entire backside, open the shoulders to get the better range of motion. Enhance shoulder and forearm strength while lengthening calf and hamstring muscles. Moreover, increase blood ow towards brain which decreases stress and enhances productivity.

Yoga Pose Down ward dog


  • Lie on your chest with your hands underneath your shoulders.
  • Exhale as you lift your hips and back, and roll over your toes.
  • Place your hands slightly wider than shoulders and feet six inches apart.
  • Press into your hands to lengthen your arms.
  • Roll your shoulders out away from your ears and relax your neck.
  • Lengthen your spine as you lift your hips and push your chest toward the thighs.
  • Flatten the lower back and bend your knees if necessary.
  • Press down through your heels.
  • Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths (50 Secs). 

Tips: Watch out for any hyper-extension of elbows and knees. If you feel too much pressure on your shoulders, shorten the distance between your hands and feet and allow your knees to bend.

02. Upward Dog Pose.

Benefits: A great pose to challenge you for lifting and opening your chest. Which results in improving our posture and enhancing lung capacity. Also strengthen the spine, arms wrists and shoulder muscles for visible improvisation in athletic performance.


  • Start with Lying on your chest with your hands under your shoulders. With your legs extended behind you, spread a few inches apart.
  • Inhale as you lift your chest and straighten your arms.
  • Roll over your toes to the tops of your feet.
  • Keep your shoulders down and back, away from your ears.
  • Pull your shoulder blades toward each other and open your chest.
  • Press your palms down while keeping hands straight and align your shoulder over your wrist.
  • Gaze forward to lengthen and relax your neck.
  • Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths.

Tips: If you are feeling too much pressure in your hand, shift your weight towards legs by elevating your hands on a yoga block or chair. If you are having difficulty in lifting your legs in the air, tuck your toes inside. Engage your abdominal muscles to release excessive pressure in the lower back.

03. Warrior I Pose.

Benefits: Warrior one stretches the whole upper body along with back leg. A powerful pose that develops stamina, breathing capacity. Great to build balance, and coordination and teach your body to properly use your core to protect your lower back while running, lifting, and while simply standing.


  • Take a step ahead from the edge of the mat with about 4 to 5 feet distance between both feet.
  • Back foot pointed forty-five degrees away from the front foot.
  • Bend the front foot knee to from 90-Deg angle.
  • Rotate upper body towards front foot so hips, pubic bone, and shoulders face forward.
  • Front hip pulls back, back hip pushes forward.
  • Raise your arms over your head, palms facing one another.
  • Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths (50 Seconds).
  • Repeat on the other side.

Tips: Make sure that you keep the back heel on the ground. Draw your ribs toward one another to prevent your back from arching.

04. Tree Pose.

Benefits: A beginner level balancing pose, which prepares yourself for advance poses. But that's not it, not only this pose strengthens and fine-tunes legs, hips and core muscles, but it is also great for better concentration and revitalizing your mood. Tree pose also create muscle alertness for better movement and reduced risk of sports injuries.



  • Stand at the top of your mat and bend your one knee and bring it closer to your chest.
  • Balancing on yourself on a single foot, place the sole of your lifted leg on your inner thigh.
  • Keep the standing leg straight.
  • Even out the hips by pushing the standing hip in the direction of the lifted leg.
  • Stay standing tall as you reach your arms overhead and bring your palms together in prayer
  • Slowly lift arms overhead to add a shoulder stretch.
  • Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths (50 seconds).
  • Repeat the pose on the other leg.

Tips: Focus on a non-moving point in front of you to help with balance. If your balance is out, place the bottom of lifted foot anywhere along the inside of your standing leg.

05. Bridge Pose.

Benefits: Stretches your spine, thighs and hip flexors to increase range of motion. Strengthen your back to reduce chances of injury. This pose also improves digestion and metabolism by stimulating abdominal organs..


  • Start with lying on your back, bend both knees and place your feet 2 to 3 inches beneath your hips.
  • Rest the arms alongside the body.
  • Squeeze the shoulders blades together.
  • Push your feet and arms into the floor, and lift your hips as high as possible.
  • Push your knees forward and your chest toward your chin to lengthen your spine.
  • Lift the chest towards the chin, and reach the chin away from the chest.
  • Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths (50 Seconds).

Tips: The weight of your body in this pose rests on your shoulders, not neck. If there is too much pressure on lower back try placing a yoga block beneath your tailbone. Keep your core engaged by flexing the abdominal muscles.

06. High Plank Pose.

Benefits: Strengthen your wrist shoulders and core muscles. Tone your abdomen. Improve your posture and reduce back pains. Improve your balance which results in better movement and coordination. Along with other enormous benefits, this is a foundational pose for beginners to train them for advance hand balancing poses.

Yoga pose High Plank


  • Start with lying on your chest with hands beneath your shoulders. Leg straight with toes tucked in.
  • Push your hands down and lift your upper body above the floor.
  • Push your toes down and lift your hips and knees up in the air.
  • Balance yourself on hands and toes with shoulders over hands, forming a straight line with your body from heels to head.
  • Engage your arm muscles with a slight bend to the elbows to prevent locking out.
  • Engage your core and avoid your hips to lean forward.
  • Keep your Shoulders away from the head, neck straight and long, and gaze straight down.
  • Hold for 5 deep breaths

Tips: If you start to feel your core failing and your lower back begins to arch, take your knees down. You risk injury to your lower back by continuing plank with an arched back. If holding a plank for a longer period is difficult, rest your both knees and alternate knees time to time.

07. Eagle Pose.

Benefits: One of the poses with a prime focus on balance stability and concentration. Not only this, but eagle pose is also great for strengthening calf and hamstring muscles while stretching shoulder muscles. The squeezing of arms and legs increases the blood ow and strengthen your immune system.



  • Start in a standing position with feet together.
  • Lift your left foot and cross over your right leg.
  • Hook your left foot under your right knee.
  • Bend your right knee and lower your hips.
  • Swing your left arm over your right arm, and try to interlace your fingers.
  • If you cannot interlace your fingers completely, interlace whatever fingers you can.
  • If you cannot interlace your fingers, press your (right) forearm into the (left) arm just below the elbow.
  • Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths and repeat on another side.

Tips: Relax your shoulders, and push your elbows as far forward as possible. You should feel the stretch in your shoulder blades. If your foot does not wrap around your ankle, just rest the foot next to the ankle the same goes for the hands; if your palms don't meet, let the backs of your hand touch.

Thanks for staying till here!

for more exercises (other than yoga) that can boost you sex life life please check out this awesome article

By the way number of researches have confirmed that that yoga is one of the best and most sustainable form of activity to loose weight and here is why

Take good care of yourself,

and C.Ya

Ned Taylor

About the author

Hey there, my name is Ned and I am on a mission to provide you health and fitness advice that are rational (i.e. back by scientific evidence) and sustainable ( means practical enough to be incorporated in normal people's routines with busy lives).

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